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genetic relationship 親緣關系。

genetic system

At present , if such people want a child with some genetic relationship to themselves , they can substitute donated sperm or eggs for one parent ' s or have each embryo analyzed genetically using preimplantation genetic diagnosis so that only those embryos shown to be free of the disease - causing gene are transferred to the mother ' s womb 近年來,如果這種人想要一個和自己有遺傳關系的孩子的話,他們可以使用胚胎植人前的診斷法,來替換為其中一人捐贈的精子或卵子,或者對每一個胚胎進行遺傳分析,這樣一來,只有那些不會造成疾病的基因才會被植人母親的子宮里。

The close genetic relationship of goose parvoviruse and aav allows the examination of the molecular biological properties of the nonstructural proteins of gpv . after the gpv infected the cell the viral life cycle was regulated by the nonstructural proteins encoded by the virus . according to the published of gpv b strain genome nucleotide sequences in genbank and a pair of specific primers were disigned with oligo4 . 1 本研究根據genbank發表的gpvb株全基因序列,借助oligo4 . 1軟件設計一對引物,采用pcr技術擴增gpvh1株非結構蛋白ns2基因,并與pmd18 - t載體連接后測序,結果表明:鵝細小病毒h1株ns2基因核苷酸全長1356bp ,編碼451個氨基酸殘基,與gpvb株的ns2基因相比,核苷酸數目相同,有17個堿基、 6個氨基酸的差異;同源性分析表明:二者核苷酸序列同源性為98 . 75 ,推導氨基酸序列同源性為98 . 67 。

In order to form a chloroplast transformation system of d . salina , we have conducted some studies including its sensitivity to antibiotics , the activity of promoter , cloning of the chloroplast genes and construction of transformation vectors , so far a pilot transformation system of the d . salina chloroplast has been completed . methods : the sensitivity of d . salina to seven antibiotics or herbicide used commonly in gene engineering was studied and the biological activity of atpa promoter from c . reinhardtii chloroplast was tested by using enhanced green fluorescent protein ( egfp ) as a reporter . primers were designed in the conservative encoding regions according to the chloroplast genomes from four algae which have close genetic relationship with d . salina , and the sequences of 16s rrna , chll and chln of d . salina chloroplast were cloned and sequenced , respectively 方法:根據杜氏鹽藻的近緣藻類的葉綠體基因組序列資料,在基因編碼區的高度保守區域設計引物,克隆了杜氏鹽藻葉綠體165識na基因、咖l基因和ch n基因,并分別以165識na基因和chln基因序列為同源片段,以cat和bar基因為篩選標記基因構建了三套杜氏鹽藻葉綠體轉化載體: 2鄭州大學2003年博士學位論文杜氏鹽藻( d ~ iiellasalina )葉綠體轉化研究pds165一eaf 、 ptn1269一bar和psp72一5一bar一3 ,用基因槍法轉化杜氏鹽藻,初步建立起杜氏鹽藻葉綠體轉化體系。

The genetic relationship between isolates of europe and china was closer than china and north america ' s . the inner genetic diversity of chinese phylogenesis lineages is higher , at the same time the territorial genetic differentiation and evolution direction divergence have taken place . the mixed lineage in heilongjiang province indicated that the isolates distribution pattern of a . gallica in heilongjiang province accorded with the characteristic that the distribution was formed by adaptive radiation of common ancestral forms 在以黑龍江省高盧蜜環菌為主的中國大陸發育系內部的遺傳分化程度較大而且遺傳多樣性較高,并出現了區域性的遺傳分異和進化方向的分歧,同時還證明了黑龍江省內高盧蜜環菌的分布格局也符合由共同的遠古祖先種適應性輻射形成的特點。

Clustering analysis showed that plants in the genus of p . salicina could be distinguished from those in the genus of p . ameniaca ; there was some genetic relationship among p . mume , p . salicina and p . ameniaca , of which p . ameniaca was closer to p . mume in genetic relationship ; and the distance between varieties of each genus was different , with the smallest being 0 . 1138 and largest being 0 . 7633 . the genetic distance reflects genetic relationship between tested materials . the result that varieties of each genus were close to each other in genetic relationship testified the traditional morphology - based taxonomy from the genomic dna 不同引物擴增出的帶型完全不同,聚類分析結果表明,李屬植物和杏屬植物能完全被區分開,李、杏和梅之間表現出一定的親緣關系,其中杏,梅之間的親緣關系較近,各屬品種之間都有不同的遺傳距離,最小距離為0 . 1138 ,最大距離為0 . 7633 ,遺傳距離的大小反映了材料間親緣關系的遠近,各屬內品種的親緣關系比較近,這一聚類結果從供試材料基因組dna分子水平驗證了傳統的形態學分類觀點。

In p . salicina , leaves with a green petiole were long ellipse and wedge - like at the base , with no hair on the surface and petiole . in p . ameniaca , the leaf was rough on the surface and had hair . with its own germplasm characteristics , p . mume was close to p . ameniaca in genetic relationship 李類植物的葉形為長橢圓形,葉基楔形,葉面無毛,葉柄綠色且無毛;杏類植物葉面粗糙、有毛;梅類植物接近于杏類,與杏類植物有較近的親緣關系,但又表現出豐富的種質特異性。

Phylogenetic tree analysis based on the genomic nucleotide sequence showed that the 14 csfv stains were divided into two groups . gxwz02 , paderborn and 39 were classified into group 1 , and other strains were classified into group ii . and the genetic relationship is very close between gxwz02 and paderborn 系統發育樹分析表明,所比較的14株csfv被分為兩個群, gxwz02 、 paderborn和39這3個毒株被歸為群,其余的11個毒株被歸為群, gxwz02與paderborn的親緣關系最接近。

Besides , the sedimentary facies of upper ganchaigou and lower ganchaigou formation were also mapped in supersequences which are the main target strata for exploration . the high resolution sequence stratigraphic framework showed the genetic relationship between the distributions of sedimentary facies and their tectonic settings . the near - source sedimentary systems such as subaqueous alluvial fan and lake - floor fan are often deposed in rise - hemicycles in the steep slope background in the north , the coarse lithology of fan - delta prograded from north to south in fall - hemicycles , and the braided stream facies are formed in the rise - hemicycles in gentle slope background in the south , braided stream facies prograded from sorth to north in the fall - hemicycles , but the lacustrine facies and salt lake facies developed in the middle part of the area 詳細的沉積相研究發現,紅獅地區第三系發育有沖積扇、水下沖積扇、河流、三角洲、扇三角洲、湖泊和湖底扇7種主要沉積相類型,并對作為區內主要勘探目的層系的下干柴溝組和上干柴溝組進行了以超層序為單位的沉積相平面編圖,以較高的時間分辨率揭示了區內沉積相帶的平面展布及其在不同構造背景中的分布規律,比如在北部的凹陷陡坡背景下,上升半旋回低水位期通常發育有水下扇、湖底扇等陡岸近源特征的沉積體系,下降半旋回高水位期,扇三角洲相粗碎屑巖由北向南進積;在南部的凹陷緩坡背景下,上升半旋回主要發育辮狀河流相,下降半旋回辮狀河三角洲相由南向北進積;而中部紅柳泉一獅子溝一帶則為湖泊相沉積和鹽類沉積。

The methods of both amplification and dna sequencing with new primers were established . polymorphisms of mtdna control region in 5 ethnic groups in china were analyzed using the established methods to provide a basic database . molecular evolution and phylogenetic issues were discussed based on the mtdna database to understand genetic relationship of different ethnic groups in china 目的為了提高線粒體dna這一遺傳標記的法醫學鑒別能力,設計適合法醫學檢材的、覆蓋mtdna控制區的擴增引物,建立新的擴增與測序方法;應用所建立的方法調查多民族mtdna控制區多態性,為涉及不同民族的mtdna序列分析提供群體遺傳學基礎;應用獲得的數據進行分子進化分析,探討各民族間的親緣關系及同一民族內的分子進化問題。

Using isotopic ( d , 18o 14c ) geochemical methods , this paper has studied the genetic relationship between the isotopic composition of meteoric water and that of underground hot water , analyzed the supply source of the kaifeng geothermal field and the generation of the geothermal water , and calculated its formation age 摘要應用同位素( d 、 18o 、 14c )地球化學方法,研究大氣降水和地下熱水中同位素組成之間成因關系,分析開封地熱田中地熱水補給來源方向和地熱水的形成,計算其生成年齡。

Complete co i sequence , co ii sequence and co i + ii sequence were used for comparison . nucleotide composition and variation of each sequence fragment were analyzed using mega2 . 1 . genetic relationships among haplogenotypes were estimated based on the pair - wise matrix of sequence divergences by kimura ' s two - parameter 第1180一1569位區段分子樹表明黃紋鱗石蛾與弓突鱗石蛾的親緣關系較近,與根據形態學建立的系統關系相吻合。

In the thesis , the feasibility for application of rapd technology to the taxonomy and identification of p . mume and species close to plum in genetic relationship , the rapd problems existing in systematics and the taxonomic position of prunus cerasifera and peach - shaped plum were also discussed 文章還對rapd技術對梅及其近緣種進行分類鑒定的可行性、在系統學研究中的問題及紅葉李,桃形李的分類地位及進行了討論。

Of all the 90 individuals , most individuals from a population can clustered together in the dendrogram of genetic relationship . it showed that among these populations there is great genetic variation . in particular , the genotype of tx population has been specified 6個銀杏群體共90個樣品的單株upgma聚類分析亦顯示來自同一群體的個體大體上都能各自聚在一起,表明各銀杏群體已有相當程度的遺傳分化。

Therefore , issr molecular markers are more suited than rapd molecular markers when testing the genetic diversity of ginkgo populations and determining the genetic relationship of among populations or among individuals which are much similar hereditarily 因此,在研究親緣關系非常近的銀杏物種的遺傳多樣性并試圖確定群體間或個體間的遺傳關系時, issr分子標記技術比rapd分子標記技術更為合適。

The study of genetic relationship showed that the selected samples and the sequenced mtdna region satisfied the request of the genetic analysis . the novel variable site provided some index to establish a perfect phylogenetic tree 5個民族之間的遺傳關系分析表明,所選擇的群體樣本及測序區能夠滿足群體遺傳學分析的要求,而且新發現的變異位點可以為建立更完善的系統樹提供指標。

Results there are wide applications for medicinal plant researches , such as identification , genetic relationship , origin and evolution , genetic diversity , gene mapping , gene cloning and genetic engineering of metabolic pathway 結果分子標記在藥用植物的鑒定、親緣關系、起源進化、遺傳多樣性、基因定位及克隆、代謝途徑的基因工程研究等方面有廣泛的應用空間。

Nucleotide diversity of sequences demonstrates that hainan population has a far genetic relationship with fujian population and guangdong population , and that fujian population has a colse relationship with guangdong population 從序列差異的分析中得出,海南群體與福建和廣東群體的親緣關系較遠;福建群體和廣東群體親緣關系較近。

Meanwhile , some characters of l . sprengeri comes ex baker and l . squamigera maxim , are close to the genetic relationship among one subgenus and other characters are close to that among the another subgenus 換錦花、鹿蔥有些性狀與一個亞屬較近,另一些性狀與另一個亞屬較近,因此,是過渡類型。

This study testified the morphology - based taxonomic result for p . mume and the species close to p . mume in genetic relationship . but it could not provide sufficient testimonies for taxonomy below genus 本研究驗證了梅及其近緣種的形態學分類結果,但對于屬以下的分類并不能完全提供佐證。